In order to have better control over rates, it is necessary to be careful in selecting the appropriate coverages and features that make your car insurance meet all your needs. It’s also import ant to look for an insurance company t hat gives you fair,prompt and reliable customer service at good rates.
Know Present Value of Your Car
Know Present Value of Your Car
The other important factor is to know the of present value of your car. Your car insurance quotes would vary depending on the model of your car. For example, a Mitsubishi Lancer is going t o be costlier in terms of repairs than the Honda Pilot. Similarly, there are cars which are charged high premiums when it comes to safety features, theft, injury, repairs and collision claims. The simple equation here is; the safer (read lower risk) your car is, the more affordable will be your car insurance.
State Laws
State Laws
A good starting point is to know the minimum insurance cover you must have in accordance with your state laws. Car Insurance is mandatory in most states and each has different requirements for the basic minimum coverage you need to carry in order to take your car on the road. Depending on your state law, you must devise an insurance plan that meets the basic requirements as well as covers other risks, which you may preempt , depending on the model of your car, your driving record, distance traveled, number of people using your car, etc; also take into account your other fellow drivers and what kind of coverages they usually carry. Every place has a different trend and it’s always good to be in the know so that you have an idea about the general claim figures doing the rounds. For example, the minimum st ate regulated requirements for Texas auto insurance cover $25,000 for bodily injury and property damage each, going up to $50,000 towards an
Check the reputation of the insurance company
accident. However, be prepared when you buy just this coverage you have onlyensured that you are protected in case you are found at fault in an accident and the other driver claims from your car insurance. This gives you a rough idea about the liability amounts you should be purchasing.
Check the reputation of the insurance company
Make sure you do a background check of the financial reputation of the company that you wish to get insured with; know their complaint index; read some testimonials about them. The last thing you want to do is go with a company that promises affordable car insurance, but finds every reason in the book to short change you on your claim.
Consider Additional benefits
Some companies offer plenty of other benefits in place of discounts that actually make for affordable car insurance. Benefits like lifetime car repair guarantee, 24/7 insurance claim hotline, waiver of the deductible for a “Not at Fault” Accident, etc all actually save you more money in the long run.
Coverages That Should Not Be Ignored
Consider Additional benefits
Some companies offer plenty of other benefits in place of discounts that actually make for affordable car insurance. Benefits like lifetime car repair guarantee, 24/7 insurance claim hotline, waiver of the deductible for a “Not at Fault” Accident, etc all actually save you more money in the long run.
Coverages That Should Not Be Ignored
Additionally coverages like Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist, Comprehensive, Collision, and PIP should all be considered depending upon the age of your car and your specific requirements. Ideally it makes no sense to keep collision coverage once your car crosses 8 years. Similarly comprehensive coverage should be dropped once it’s over 10 years old. The logic is simple. Any claim you make from your insurance company at this stage will not be a very significant amount once factors like depreciation and deductibles are counted in. However if you feel you might not be able to bear out of pocket expenses
to replace/ repair your damaged car, stick with these coverages.
to replace/ repair your damaged car, stick with these coverages.